Solar Trackers
Single Axis Tracker
PV Solar Farm

Located in Zephyr Cove servicing Stateline, Reno, Carson City and surrounding areas

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First-Rate IP for Your PV Solar Farm

We have seven (7) patents and three (3) pending available for sale or license.

Two are for retrofit products for many of the existing HSATs (Horizontal Single Axis Tracker) on PV solar farms. Imagine, paying less than a half a penny per watt to increase your PV solar farm output by up to 7%. That's a short payback even if the PPA is a low $30/MWh.

Productivity Improvement Focus

At Sun And Steel Solar LLC, we understand the function of the HSAT. It must be faster-better-cheaper to EPC, and it must be like a Timex watch that reliably keeps on ticking.

We have designed an HSAT with marvelous IP that delivers everything a solar farm needs. However, we are pre-sales with the product (HSAT), but our IP is available for sale or license.

If you have a tracker to sell, then take a look at our IP.

If you operate solar farms, then take a look at our IP.

If you own solar farms, then take a look at our IP.

Your Satisfaction,
Our Guarantee

We know this business. We have designed two previous trackers in 2004 & 2008.

This IP is amazing. It covers the better mousetrap, in bits and pieces for HSATs and in total, for our complete HSAT design.

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Our Services

  • PV Solar Farm improvements
  • Single Axis Tracker for your PV Solar Farm
  • Torque Tube Reflector
  • Balanced up-down 2P & 2L

Quality Redefined

Quality designed into the IP.

Masters of Our Craft

With 46 years in the industry, even 13 years designing solar panels for satellites, we know what the HSAT mounting system needs for EPC, operation, and AgriPV.

Committed to Quality

Always. 13 years of designing and building solar panels for satellites. We think the same with terrestrial PV.

Contact us now to get a free estimate
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